DC Bar Exam

Washington DC Feb 2016 bar exam results posted

The results are posted. Out of a total of 324 applicants, we have an overall pass rate of 44%, with 54% of first time takers passing. The full pass list is located here. Congratulations to everyone who passed!!! I know it’s agonizing waiting for the DC results but they are finally here. If you did not pass, don’t despair as it is not the end and you can use a different approach and pass it this summer (you should be getting your letter with full score breakdown in the mail very soon).

By Dwight Zenzano

Dwight Zenzano is the author of the Bar Exam Blog at and tutors for bar exams across the country. He specializes in the Virginia and UBE (DC) bar exams.

79 replies on “Washington DC Feb 2016 bar exam results posted”

So many (most/all?) people should be getting letters this week. However, if you look at the comments from past exams you will see that many times it is MONTHS before anyone gets an actual swearing in date and different people have different swearing in dates. It can be orderly or it can be a disaster. Basically just like the administration of the exam itself. Once people start getting letters and actual swearing in dates they usually post them here in the comments.

I just called them. I asked if they had been mailed out… the conversation went like this… “Have the bar exam result letters been mailed out yet?” …”Nope”… “Do you know when the letters will be mailed?” …”Nope, but the more calls we get the longer it will take.” I told him they do a stellar job…

If you hate your job that much find a new one. Falls right in line with the absurd lack of professionalism witnessed during the test.

Typical. The sad thing is the letters may have actually been mailed out and he doesn’t even know what he’s talking about. Most people who answer the phone there give out misinformation.

Can you request an appeal or regrade for an essay score from the February 2016 DC exam? It looks like that option was available under Rule 46 in 2015, but not seeing it under the current Rule 46.

What is your experience with odds of grades being changed during regrade? My standard deviation scaled essay score is 132.03. Yes, .07 from the 133 required.

If I can ask, what is the procedure for regarding? Do I have to write an appeal based on points that I think the grader erred? Or do I simply request a regrade? Presumably, I would take notes from the graders comments and then file a response?

Thank you. From your experience, I am assuming that you suggest writing a regrade appeal for all 8 questions, right? Have you seen that it is likely that over the course of 8 regrades, 1 or 2 additional points is achievable? Obviously I should try to counter the points that the grader made, but I attended the essay review and the only comments were on the MPT – the 6 MEE essay’s had no comments. So, for those, should I just make a general comments to strengthen my arguments?

Do you know what is going on with the DC website? It seems that the application link disappeared. I know we have until May 18 to apply. Thank you.

For those who have passed and gotten a letter, does it say when the swearing in ceremony is? I haven’t gotten my letter yet.

Thanks, Dwight. I’ve been trying to figure out why I haven’t received any paperwork yet.

My name is not on the pass list and I am yet to receive my results letter. Anyone else who is in this kind of situation?

I just called and spoke with a man with a deep voice. I asked about a swearing-in date, he said no, they’re occupied with “going from the old bar exam to a new bar exam.” I asked if he know maybe what month it might be and he said “no, that’s one of the things we still haven’t figured out.”

I did confirm with NCBEX that my file was returned to DC a while back so hopefully things will be in order once DC gets it together…

Has anyone been given any information about when in June the letters would go out to those individuals who passed?

I’ve seen that in the past they’ve conducted swearing in ceremonies in early/mid July, so I don’t see how they could delay much longer…

What is the usual procedure for applicants with questionable backgrounds? Is DC similar to other jurisdictions that have “informal hearings” and then possibly “formal hearings” before someone may be admitted?

Well, they are doing something… They have misplaced my MPRE score so I had to send that today. The email said they want the passers to attend swearing-in in July…

Does it tell you what time the ceremony is? Also, is there only one ceremony for all the passers, or do they have multiple dates? Finally, is there info on the timing of that mandatory ethics class? Thx!

I haven’t received a letter yet either. But I expect to be called for an informal hearing and assume the investigation is still taking place. I am unable to find anything on the internet about what to expect at the hearing. I wonder if Dwight could shed some light on the topic??

Still haven’t gotten a letter… but I’m on the pass list. Is there any way to know if they just haven’t sent you something yet or if they are investigating something, and/or what they are investigating?

I’m in a similar situation. So I called today and they told me that C&F was complete, as that everything was all set – and that no further C&F issues existed. They indicated that they were backed up due to the current bar exam, and also that the person that sends the letters out is out of the office. They said mine will go out in the next few weeks, and will give me the date options to choose from to come in and swear in (hopefully they weren’t giving me misinformation about my file).

^CautiouslyOptimistic, did you ask whether you could be sworn in on July 8 (i.e. next Friday) w/ the others? I’m also on the pass list but haven’t heard anything (and there are only 144 passers so this is kinda crazy!), so it’d be great to get sworn in next week. Kinda strange to make you wait several weeks if you don’t have any reason to be held up for C&F…

Yes… You show up with two forms they mailed you already filled out. They sit you alphabetically, family in the back, judges come in. The Director makes a motion to the Court to admit everyone. Each person stands and introduces themselves to the Court. All stand and take the oath. Turn in your paperwork on the way out…takes about an hour.

I only received one form and they won’t mail the other one to me! I also didn’t get the brochure about the class. What a poorly run office!!

Paul: not all of us have waited 20 years post-law school like you have. Patience may be a virtue but so is empathy. Put yourself in the shoes of a debt-laden recent law grad whose only obstacle to earning a paycheck and providing for his wife and kids is being sworn into the DC Bar. This wait is, indeed, getting ridiculous — almost as ridiculous as the non-communication & opacity of the DC Bar administrators.

Paul, sure there is — it’s called taking action. You may recall that following the February 2014 exam, passers faced a lengthy delay in being sworn in. The folks at Above the Law were able to act on their behalf and set an earlier swearing-in date. If there were nothing to do but wait when government officials shirk their duties, there would be no need for the sort of discussion that this thread bears.


Agreed, M. I’m still facing total silence. There’s no excuse for this kind of delay. It doesn’t happen in other states, and it shouldn’t happen here.

I wasn’t aware of that M. I’ll look into it and still think patience is a virtue. Obviously, we have different goals. However, I know what you are talking about.

Whatcha talking about Willis?

I still haven’t heard back, other than to be notified that it’s “with the committee.” As someone who passed in Feb, that’s completely unacceptable. I can’t work until I’m barred, and every extra day make it that much harder to obtain a job due to the longer absence from time in the field. I’m planning to email ATL this week and ask them to press the DC Bar to respond to applicants in a timeframe that is more in line with all of the other states in the country.

Same boat, Passed. I got an (admittedly nice) email, but I’m eligible for a significant pay-grade increase upon admission, so every day counts. Did you email ATL?

Passer — I would send a short (one or two sentence) email to with your 5-digit bar examinee number, simply asking the status of your application. Give it a few weeks and I bet someone will respond.

Still waiting too. I took Florida in July and the results were released 10 days ago. I was told that if I applied for admission it would take at least a year. I sent DC my application last November. So, I hope to hear something in November.


Is anyone else still waiting to swear in after passing the February 2016 DC bar exam? I don’t know what happening. Every time I call they keep saying my application is still under review and no information is missing or needed.

There were two dates for those who passed in February as far as I know: one in September, and one in October. Call or email to find out why you haven’t heard back. I got frustrated at first too then. Just decided to relax and wait, got mine in August, but sworn in October

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