Bar Exam Study Materials Virginia Bar Exam

Analysis of Barbri’s Virginia bar exam materials for self-study

Those of you that have taken Barbri or are taking it know that when you receive your materials (usually in 2 or even 3 shipments), you get about 40-50 pounds of books. This is quite absurd and one of the reasons I developed my own methodology for studying for the bar exam. Nevertheless, I thought I’d go through and briefly discuss all the individual books you get with the Barbri Virginia package, especially for those of you who will be buying these materials used from a previous test taker as many times some materials are missing. This will hopefully assist in your hunt for used study materials.

Multistate (MBE):

First a quick word on the multistate stuff Barbri gives you. I’ll be honest, I think barbri’s MBE prep is one of the worst out there. Basically, anything else is better (kaplan/pmbr, etc.). They give you a bunch of books, I wouldn’t use any of them.


Now to the good stuff, the Virginia specific materials.

1. The large Virginia outline book – Basically worthless for bar exam purposes. If you are interested in learning detail that you won’t need to know to pass the Virginia bar exam, then by all means read this book. Otherwise, put it aside.

2. Virginia Conviser outline – This is a decent outline, but the good stuff in here is in the back of the book, the Virginia Distinctions. I talk about that a little further down.

3. Virginia Essays book – This is great stuff. Many of these essays are actual essays from past bar exams with decent answers and some commentary on the questions and how the law has changed since they were written. Definitely my favorite book barbri makes for the Virginia bar exam. And, the short answer questions in the back are good as well. I’ll talk more about those below as well.

4. Virginia Lecture Handouts – These are pretty good, as they are condensed outlines that are more on-point that the conviser. Some are better than others (civ pro is excellent) but overall I like them. NOTE: If you are buying the materials used, these must be filled in already because they are keyed to the lectures, which you cannot get unless you buy the class from barbri directly. Repeat: The lectures are not available used, so these lecture notes must be filled in when you buy them.

5. Supplemental Virginia Handouts – Barbri is famous for lots of supplemental handouts, completely worthless.

6. Virginia Essay Advantage Documents Including practice essays and answers – Again, there are more materials and extras barbri is famous for that you can get, many at an extra cost and are called “Advantage”. Completely worthless.

7. Virginia Supreme Court Rulings and Statutory Updates – Barbri has handed out last minute updates, most of which are completely useless as well. The Virginia Board of Bar Examiners does not typically test on brand new rulings, they wait at least a few years, and even then, they don’t like to do it too quickly. So, I’d say these are completely worthless as well.

8. Virginia Short Answer Questions (located in the essay book) – Good stuff. I like these (they give you 300 of them) because they give you a decent idea of what the short answer questions are like, and a decent chunk of these questions (maybe 1/2 to 2/3) are information that you should know anyway because the essays could test the same material.

9. Virginia Distinctions (located in the conviser) – Excellent stuff. Virginia likes to test on Virginia distinctions. It’s not too much information, maybe 20 pages or so in the conviser, but you should know it all and this is a well formatted and concise way to get that info.

There you go. Everything you need to know about what’s useful and more importantly, what’s not when getting second-hand Virginia barbri materials.

By Dwight Zenzano

Dwight Zenzano is the author of the Bar Exam Blog at and tutors for bar exams across the country. He specializes in the Virginia and UBE (DC) bar exams.

8 replies on “Analysis of Barbri’s Virginia bar exam materials for self-study”

To be honest, they are all about the same. I prefer barbri for the Virginia stuff, although kaplan and themis are good as well. Barbri is probably the best though, they’ve been doing it the longest.

For the MBE though, I’m not a fan of barbri, I like the Kaplan/PMBR, Emmanuel’s Strategies and Tactics, NCBE’s questions and adaptibar’s questions (same questions). Having a good game plan is really what counts, the materials are secondary.

Quick question. I have the barbri MBE books (I finished book 1 and am moving on to book 2) and am prepping for the July exam. Is it worth it to buy the Emanuel book (amazon can have it to me by Tuesday next week for about $88) or should I stick with what I got and just keep at it? Thanks.

I think it is highly worth it to buy the Strategies and Tactics book, even if you only have it for two weeks. Just do yourself a favor and use that book exclusively for the MBE from as soon as you get it until the bar exam. Read all the chapters thoroughly and really pay attention to what they are saying in the study strategies and exam tactics sections. Good luck!

I am sitting for the July, 2013 Bar as well because I failed the February Bar Exam by 7 points. So I decided to really focus on the essay portion of the exam. And so I began reading all of the essays in the Barbri Essay book (the 2012 one that was used for the February 2013 exam class) and then I came across an exact essay in the 2012 study materials from Barbri that appeared on the Virginia Exam February 2013 exam. Can the Bar Examiners do that? That is, Release an essay that they are going to use on the exam to Barbri to put in their study materials? Doesn’t that give an unfair advantage to students who take barbri? Just wondering.

Barbri’s essay book is primarily past, actual bar exam questions that have been released by the bar examiners. The bar examiners like to re-use questions from past exams, which is why you saw a repeat on the exam you took. It is not uncommon to see 2-3 questions per exam taken from past exams.

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