Bar Exam

5 weeks until the July 2012 bar exam

With exactly 5 calendar weeks until the July 2012 bar exam, it’s go time. It’s usually at this point with just over a month to go that people start to panic, which is normal. Usually most folks still don’t feel comfortable with even a small portion of the material. Most people aren’t killing it on any one subject on their practice MBE questions, and essays are still pretty confusing. This is quite normal. The bar exam has a bunch of subjects and not enough time to test them all so we find ourselves studying for subjects we don’t even know will be tested. It’s super frustrating and yet we have no choice since it’s the way the game is played. So, the natural result of this is that we don’t feel comfortable with all of these various subjects until later in the summer. Sometimes, not even until 1 week before the bar exam. And, for those of us who have taken bar exams before,


Livefyre commenting system now active

We have switched from the default wordpress commenting system to the latest Livefyre commenting system. For those of you familiar with livefyre, I’m sure this is a welcome change. For those of you who don’t know what livefyre is, it’s a robust commenting system that enables better conversations and social media integration. A livefyre or other social media account is recommended but not required to post. If there are any questions or comments on this change feel free to let me know.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Tutoring roster for July 2012 bar exam is full

I’ve filled my roster for the July 2012 bar exam and am not accepting any more students. However, I have two new tutors working with me who specialize on the MBE, VA, CA and NY bar exams so feel free to contact me and I can still potentially help you out for this summer. As always, check the FAQ first so you can send us the information we are looking for if you are interested in tutoring.

Bar Exam Virginia Bar Exam

Twitter Virginia Bar Exam Tip of the Day

For those of you that didn’t notice, we have started posting daily Virginia bar exam tips to our twitter feed. Simply do a hashtag search for #barexam #totd on twitter or follow us at The Bar Exam Tutor on Twitter

Starting in June we will also have daily MBE tips. And of course, let us know if you have any suggestions for tips or info you’d like to have during the next 7 weeks of bar preparation.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Bar exam tutoring for July 2012 exam

There are a few weeks left before I finalize my tutoring roster for the DC and Virginia bar exam. So, for those interested in tutoring send me an email if you are interested, and check out the tutoring FAQ as well. If you are taking an exam other than DC or VA, feel free to contact me as well. It’s in the first few weeks and last few weeks of Barbri that I tend to get the most requests for tutoring as people tend to feel overwhelmed at first, then under prepared towards the end. I’m happy to help with any questions you have about the bar exam.

CA Bar Exam

February 2012 California Bar Examination Results Posted

For test takers only, the Feb 2012 California bar exam results are up, good luck:

Results will be available to the public in 2 days (Sunday) at the following link: