Bar Exam CA Bar Exam DC Bar Exam MD Bar Exam NY Bar Exam Virginia Bar Exam

Bar Exam Result dates for DC VA MD NY CA

It’s going to be a long wait, but here are the dates we’re looking at for CA, MD, VA, DC and NY:

California results expected November 16th, 2012
Maryland results expected November 2nd, 2012
Virginia results expected October 12th, 2012
Washington DC results estimated around Oct 25th, 2012
New York results estimated around Nov 8th, 2012


10 days until the Aug 2012 MPRE

All but 4 jurisdictions require the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) to gain admission to the bar. Most people I’ve talked to tend to study for the MPRE the weekend before the exam or 1-2 days before. Why so little studying? The general answer I hear is “It’s an easy exam”. However, I’ve known more than just a few people who have passed the bar exam yet failed the MPRE. This is why I always recommend at least 1-2 weeks of study for the MPRE. Better safe than sorry is my philosophy.

It is not an “easy” exam. In my opinion, the questions are just as tricky as the MBE questions. Yes, it is easier than the MBE because you only have 1 subject, Professional Responsibility (PR). And PR is an easier subject than any of the 6 MBE subjects. So yes, it is easier than the MBE, but it is not “easy”. So, I always advise

Bar Exam

July 2012 Bar Exam is over

Congratulations to everyone who took the bar exam, it’s over! VA was nice enough to hold off on the painful UCC3/9 stuff but the MBE was maybe a bit tougher than usual. The good news is, it’s over. Hopefully the results will come in promptly this time around. I’ll post when I hear when they expect results to be posted for DC, VA, NY, MD and CA. Good luck to everyone and have a great rest of the summer.

Bar Exam Virginia Bar Exam

Virginia bar exam topics – July 2012

Day 1 of the Virginia bar exam is done and we saw Trusts, Federal Civil Procedure (it’s back), Domestic Relations, Sales (UCC2), Property, Wills, Criminal, Corporations and VA Civ Pro.

No major surprises, now it’s time to switch over to multistate mode and tackle the MBE tomorrow. Hopefully they go easy on some of the strange property questions this time around.

Bar Exam MBE

Happy 4th of July

Happy 4th of July to everyone! Maybe if you’re feeling a little patriotic you can study some con law and focus on 1st amendment rights :-) Great day to celebrate everything freedom brings with it including studying the area of constitutional law. Have a safe and happy holiday!

Bar Exam

No electricity and 3 weeks until the July 2012 bar exam

With exactly 3 weeks to go until the bar exam, this was a pretty bad weekend for a storm of epic proportions to roll through the area and knock out power to millions of people. Hopefully those of you who are without power are able to go to a local library or some other cooling center to continue your studies. If your study schedule was thrown off this past weekend, don’t dwell on it. Just look forward and keep your eyes on the prize. You may need to adjust your schedule from now until the exam, possibly adding an extra hour or so each day or maybe even canceling some 4th of July plans you had, but the reward of passing the bar exam is worth it. This is now the critical time to be studying since with less than 3 weeks you should be able to retain most of what you study/review at this point. If you’ve been avoiding certain subjects because they are hard/boring/challenging/whatever, you need to start focusing on those subjects ASAP.