Bar Exam Tutoring

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Moving right along into the 21st century, you can follow this blog and other Bar Exam and Tutoring related information @TheBarExamTutor on twitter. Facebook is coming soon as well.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Tutoring roster is full for Feb 2012

I have finalized my roster for tutoring for the Feb 2012 bar exam and am no longer accepting students until the July 2012 exam.  If you have extraordinary circumstances, and are taking the Virginia bar, feel free to send me an email, but I am not likely to take anyone else for the upcoming bar exam.

On a different note, I believe November 2011 MPRE scores should be out this week.  Good luck to everyone who took it.  The MPRE can definitely be a thorn in the side as it’s not as “easy” as many make it out to be.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Tutoring for the Feb 2012 bar exam

I can see it was a rough July for many of you.  Never before have I received so many requests for tutoring so far before the next bar exam.  I respond to all emails I receive, but remember that I only take on a small number of students for each exam as my methodology and tutoring style are highly personalized and I do not feel it is possible to tutor a large number of students effectively using my methods.

I am in the process of finalizing my roster for the Feb 2012 bar exam.  Anyone who is interested in tutoring should email me sooner rather than later.  And don’t forget the deadlines for application/re-application are fast approaching.
Bar Exam Tutoring

Tutoring for the July 2011 bar exam

As bar results for the February 2011 DC and VA exams roll in, this is the time when I begin to receive multiple requests for tutoring assistance. Most of my students are repeat takers for the simple reason that nearly everyone who takes the bar exam for the first time starts with a commercial prep program such as barbri. When that fails, they seek out alternatives such as individual tutoring. More than half of the people that come to me looking for assistance have taken the bar 3 or more times and have tried at least 2 different commercial bar prep programs. What I find is that all the commercial bar prep programs have more or less the same approach and use an unmanageable amount of study materials. This is where tutoring comes in because with the 1:1 attention, you have someone that can guide you through your studies week by week and steer you in the right direction instead of simply following a 2-month syllabus/study schedule blindly, regardless of where your individual strengths and weaknesses lie.

With that being said, for those of you who are considering tutoring, here are a few tips when seeking out a prospective tutor:
1) Be prepared to discuss your bar exam history. So, have your past scores (broken out by MBE & essay scores) ready and gather up a list of your previous study materials/methods.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Registration for the bar & tutoring

Friendly reminder than there is only 1 week left for the late registration period for the D.C. February 2010 bar exam! December 30, 2009 is the late fee filing deadline so if you have not registered yet, do so by that date.

Also, my tutoring classes are now officially 100% closed and fully booked for the February 2010 bar exam. If you are in dire straits and have extraordinary circumstances, go ahead and email me and maybe we can figure some sort of “mini-program” for you, but my roster is full as I like to keep my schedule light and only do personalized 1-on-1’s with each of my students.

Bar Exam Tutoring

Bar Exam Tutoring

I have received numerous emails regarding my tutoring services… Primarily, I have had inquiries from repeat takers and takers who have been out of law school for a few years… I am open to tutoring anyone, as long as the fit is good… I am only tutoring students local to the Washington D.C. area, with a few rare exceptions… My methodology I have created is based on individual test takers skills and weaknesses, and is geared for in-person tutoring… Withstanding a few rare exceptions, this is the way it is, so if you are not in the DC area, feel free to contact me, but please do not be upset if I cannot take you on as a student… My purpose in tutoring is to get people to pass, and I will only accept a small number of students per bar exam and each must be a good fit or else I will not accept… I hope this clears things up and best of luck to everyone on the upcoming July 2009 exam…