Bar Exam DC Bar Exam Virginia Bar Exam

Day 1 of the February 2014 bar exam is over

Half way there (I know the west coast is still going, but I wanted to get my thoughts on DC and VA out there before dinner)…

DC was a mess today, poor administration, inconsistent time given to students, poor lunch break management, just an all around disaster. I feel bad for everyone who sat for DC today, expect more of the same tomorrow and try to just stay focused on the exam. Good news is the subjects tested were as expected, although only two MBE subjects this time around, con and crim law. The MEE subjects were a mix of easy and hard, with civ pro, partnership, trusts and UCC9. Oh, the MPTs were a memo and a brief.

Things were smoother in Virginia, essays were basically exactly as planned. Lots of VA civ pro, some PR, crim, UCC3, our friend detinue made an appearance (hope you read my twitter tips of the day), property, wills was back, corporations and some creditors rights/suretyship. All around a very fair and straightforward exam, what we have come to expect from VA, tough but fair, exactly how a bar exam should be.

Stay strong and finish things off properly with the MBE tomorrow to put this exam behind us. Good luck!

By Dwight Zenzano

Dwight Zenzano is the author of the Bar Exam Blog at and tutors for bar exams across the country. He specializes in the Virginia and UBE (DC) bar exams.

2 replies on “Day 1 of the February 2014 bar exam is over”

At the dc bar exam they said that results wouldn’t come out till June. But wouldn’t that be after the filing deadline if you wanted to sit for the Juuly exam? Do they make a provision so that if you don’t pass the prior administration you can automatically sit for the next or give you additional time to get the application in?

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