Virginia Bar Exam

July 2012 Virginia Bar Exam results posted

The results for the July 2012 Virginia Bar Exam have been posted online. As I predicted, they were released 1 day before the scheduled date, so if your friends are still waiting for tomorrow, let them know the results are up and available now.

As usual, there are 2 lists: Pass list A for those of you who passed and have no outstanding paperwork or issues with the VBBE; and Pass list B for those of you who passed and still have pending issues/paperwork to submit to the VBBE. Those on the first past list are now licensed in the Commonwealth of Virginia, so congratulations!

For those who didn’t pass this time, try not to be too hard on yourselves. It is a difficult exam and you can always re-take in February 2013. Think about how you studied, how disciplined you were in following your study plan and what you would have done differently. For most people, they had something unexpected come up (work/family demands) that prevented them from putting in the necessary hours of study. This is one of the hardest parts of taking an exam that generally requires months of study and is only available twice a year. Seldom is there a “perfect” time when we have 2-3 months of consecutive time with no distractions or other obligations, so we must do the best we can.

Here is a link to the VA pass lists:

The overall pass rate was 74.10% and for first time takers was 78.95%.

Kudos goes out to UVA students for the highest pass rate among both first time and repeat takers! (94.96% overall pass rate and 96.4% first time pass rate)

By Dwight Zenzano

Dwight Zenzano is the author of the Bar Exam Blog at and tutors for bar exams across the country. He specializes in the Virginia and UBE (DC) bar exams.

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