Bar Exam

85 days till the bar – 50% done with preliminary studying

OK, so I did not hit my goal of finishing the 300 PMBR earlybird questions in all 6 MBE subjects and all 32 PMBR CDs of the 6 MBE subjects. I’ve done Con Law, Crim Law/Crim Pro, and Torts. So, 1/2 the lectures and 1/2 the questions. The reason it has taken me a bit longer, is I’ve been making notecards for almost every PMBR earlybird question. Also, I am reading the Strategies and Tactics book section every day for the subject I am working on that day. My new goal is to have the next 3 subjects done by December 15th. Full-time work and travel also interferes with my study time, as do holidays such as Thanksgiving :)

By Dwight Zenzano

Dwight Zenzano is the author of the Bar Exam Blog at and tutors for bar exams across the country. He specializes in the Virginia and UBE (DC) bar exams.

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